Hello again everyone! Sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog. The truth is that I was sick most of the time we were in Idaho and didn't get very many pics. Well, I have pics now.
I guess Ill start by giving a basic outline of the weekend.
We arrived on a thursday and had to play the
street dance that night. Friday was the golf tournament with all the musicians. friday night was Robert Earl Keen and Reckless headlined. Saturday there was music all day and night. We also played on saturday.

The street dance was held on main street. I guess it would be downtown Challis. It was basically a strip of buildings lining each side of the street with bars and liquor stores. There was even a crosswalk that went diagonally across the street that went from one bar doorstep to the next. The weather that night was rainy. It rained all through the Braun Brothers set but nobody left, everyone partied in the rain! The rain finally stopped and we went on stage. Here are a few pics from the street dance and downtown Challis.

About 5 songs into our set at the street dance
, were playing "Again", our guitar player Geoff turns around pissed and screams, " what the F was that!!" I looked over at him and blood started pouring out of his head! We finished the song and had to leave the stage. He got hit with a beer bottle from the crowd and needed stitches. Well, there is no where near Challis to get stitches. We cleaned Geoff up on the bus, put a bandaid on his head and he actually went out and finished the set. Pretty tough SOB!! Thanks to Robert Keen's road manager Toby, They caught the kid that threw the bottle and took him to jail. Funny, he tried to come back to the show on sat. and got arrested again!
Saturday Morning was the golf tournament and you
got strokes off for all the goofy golf attire you wore. Here are some pics from that. We all had soo much fun!!

Saturday was amazing! But the weather was some of the weirdest I have ever experienced! It would rain then quit and the sun would shine. It even hailed on us with the sun out as bright as ever. The crowd partied through it all! I almost couldn't believe it. Here are some pics from that day of the shows and everyone partying together, being silly, and just having a blast!

If any of you are
looking to get away next year, you should really think about making it to the Braun Brothers Family Reunion! There is GREAT music, golf, rivers, hot springs, bars, and just alot of fun to be had! Its really worth the trip up there!